Terms of use


The client is obliged to comply with the laws on combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

The client is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of account information. Also, the client is responsible for all actions and all operations that occur in his account. It is the responsibility of the client to immediately notify the Site of any unauthorized use of his account or password or any other breach of security. The client is responsible for losses incurred by the Site or any other user of the Site due to the actions of a third party who gained access and used the account or password of the Client. It is allowed to use only the Client’s own account. The Site has the right to stop servicing the Client if the Client tries to gain unauthorized access to the Site or tries to do so or assists other Clients or third parties in this (including distributing instructions, software, and tools for this purpose). Termination of Client service includes the loss of all funds in the account. In addition, in case of termination of the Client’s service, the Site reserves the right to take any other actions against the Client.

At any time, the Client may have only one account and may not use or create any other accounts, except for his own. Multiple registrations are prohibited and the accounts of the same Client will be blocked without warning and notification. The site reserves the right to unilaterally refuse to provide services to the Client without paying account balances in case of violation of this rule.

Claims for all financial transactions may be accepted for consideration no later than 30 days from the date of any financial transaction. After the expiration of this period, no claims are accepted.

The site saves information about all incoming and outgoing transactions, as well as funds movement inside the account only for the last 30 days. In order to reduce the load on the server, older information will be deleted without notice.

The Client agrees and acknowledges that in order to ensure maximum security for the accounts and to counter the legalization and money laundering of illegally obtained funds, as well as within the internal security policy of the Site, the site uses internal control programs. Any information on material facts regarding Clients and their transactions is collected and stored. This applies to any information: IP address, information about the operating system used by the Client, its software, and other information that will be collected via cookies (“cookies”).

Client Accounts may be used solely for the purposes that are defined in these Terms and do not contradict them.


Funds are considered lost and are not subject to compensation or refund if during the replenishment the Client violated the rules specified in the forms for replenishing each currency. Funds sent to incorrect details, including non-existent or non-valid addresses indicated by the Client, as well as requests for withdrawal executed by the Client in violation of the rules specified in the withdrawal forms, are considered lost and are not refundable or compensable.


The Website declares and warrants that all reasonable measures will be used to ensure the security of the Clients' personal data, and all money and all cryptocurrencies deposited by the Customer into his account will be stored by the Website on his behalf, according to the data specified in the profile.


The client agrees to use the Site only to perform operations in accordance with the conditions set forth in these Terms.

The client agrees not to use the Site to carry out any illegal activities, including, but not limited to, money laundering, terrorist financing, or other actions that could adversely affect the Site efficiency .

The client is obligated to independently monitor the news of the Site in order to obtain timely information about all changes in the operation of the Site, and if he did not read the information in a timely manner, he will not make claims to the Site because of the losses incurred due to this.

The client agrees not to disclose information received during communication with the Site Support. Violation of this rule leads to immediate blocking of the account without refunds.

The client agrees that his possible complaints and questions posted on forums, social networks, or elsewhere, except for an official request in the feedback form, will not be considered.

The client guarantees that he is the sole legal owner and has the right to dispose of all money and cryptocurrencies in his account. The use of these funds must not violate the rights of any third parties or the current legislation.

The client agrees to reimburse the Site for all possible losses incurred in case of violation of the rights of third parties or applicable law by the client's fault.


All intellectual property rights of the Site: images, texts, or any other materials posted on the site belong to the Site.


The site is not responsible for the possible and actual loss of income, data, as well as for possible direct or indirect losses incurred by the client if the damage caused is not the result of a violation of these Terms by the Site.

The site is not responsible for any delays or interruptions in Internet access, breakdowns or malfunctions or if for any reason the Site is unavailable at any time or during any period.

The site is located on the Crypto Vertex domain and is not responsible for other sites located on domains other than the above.

In case of suspicion of committing fraud or any other illegal activity, the service is obliged to inform all requested information, including names, addresses, and other data, to the state authorities that investigate violations. The client understands that his account may be frozen at any time upon request of the competent state authority.

The site is not responsible for losses associated with vulnerabilities in software provided by third parties, as well as blockchain failures and any technical features of cryptocurrencies used to deposit or withdraw funds. The site is also not responsible for the funds lost as a result of untimely notification (or no notification at all) of the site by developers or persons representing cryptocurrencies about any failures in working with this cryptocurrency (this includes all kinds of forks, technical failures in the operation of nodes or other problems that could potentially lead to a loss of funds). Funds lost in such cases are reimbursed only in the event that the lost funds are fully recovered by the developers or representatives of this cryptocurrency.


The site has the right to terminate or suspend the operation or change the platform and/or suspend or terminate these Terms at any time, without obligatory notification to clients. Each client continuing to use the site is considered to have accepted these changes or their termination. Any financial claims shall be submitted no later than 10 calendar days from the date that amendments or additions to this agreement take effect.

The site may, at its discretion, suspend the client’s access to the site if it considers that the client creates situations of judicial responsibility and/or other problems, or if the client violates the intellectual or other property of third parties, or violates the rights of other clients or acts in violation of these Terms. In addition, the site may, for some circumstances and at its discretion, terminate or suspend the service of the client’s account for any of the following reasons, but not limited to:
  • (1) an attempt to attack the site or unauthorized access to the account of another client or the site, as well as assisting third parties in making such attempts;
  • (2) impact the site’s security software and/or hacking atack;
  • (3) an attempt to use the site to carry out any illegal activity, as well as an attempt to legalize proceeds of crime or the financing of terrorism or other types of illegal activities;
  • (4) violation of these Terms;
  • (5) a request to block an account from law enforcement or other government agencies;
  • (6) both private and public insult to the employees of the Site;
  • (7) threats or insults to support staff.
In addition, the site, without explaining specific reasons, reserves the right to unilaterally change or suspend the site and platform, as well as stop providing services to the client. Registering on the site, the Client guarantees that the site will not be liable to him or any third party in the event of termination of account maintenance or the unavailability of the site on the Internet. The client acknowledges and agrees that his accounts may be blocked until the provision of documents proving his identity and/or any other information if it is necessary for servicing accounts, performing operations and platform work